Group 4

121• Cell Mediated Immune Response – stimulates production of Interferon Gamma, Tumor Necrosis Factor Beta and IL 12 which in turn induces cytotoxic T cell response and eliminated intracellular organism such as Listeria

122• Listeria Monocytogenes – Gram Positive Rod which produces Very Narrow Beta Hemolysis Zone on Sheep Blood Agar and exhibits Tumbling Motility and the only Gram Positive Organism that produces LPS endotoxin (which is normally found in Gram -)

123• Succinylcholine – depolarizing NMJ blocker and usually elicits a fast response within 60 seconds and lasts for 10 minutes.

124• Bethanechol – muscarinic agonist that improves bladder motility in post operative patients

125• Oxybutinin – antimuscarinic agonist that is used in patients with urinary incontinence

126• Motor Innervation of the Tongue – provided by Hypoglossal Nerve (12), except for palatoglossus which is innervated by Vagus Nerve (10)

127• Sensation of the Tongue – Anterior 2/3 is Mandibular Branch of Trigeminal Nerve, Posterior 1/3 is by Glossopharyngeal Nerve (9).

128• Gustatory Innervation of the Tongue – Anterior 2/3 is Chorda Tympani by Facial Nerve, Posterior 1/3 is by Glossopharyngeal Nerve.

129• Hypercalcemia in Sarcoidosis – is by macrophages activated Vitamin D, which is extrarenally produced, it will in turn suppress PTH.

130• 1st Pharyngeal Pouch – external auditory meatus, primary tympanic cavity and auditory tube

131• 2nd Pharyngeal Pouch – Palatine Tonsils

132• 3rd Pharyngeal Pouch – Thymus, Inferior Parathyroid Gland

133• 4th Pharyngeal Pouch – Superior Parathyroid Gland.

134• Phenytoin – causes increased expression of Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF), they stimulate growth of gingival cells.

135• Propranolol – used in Thyrotoxicosis and will decrease the heart rate and Decreases Peripheral Conversion of T4 to T3

136• MEN 1 – Parathyroid Tumor (Hypercalcemia), Pancreatic Tumor (Gastrin), Pituitary Adenoma (Prolactin, ACTH)

137• MEN 2a – Medullary Carcinoma of the Thyroid (Calcitonin), Pheochromocytoma and Parathyroid Tumor

138• MEN 2b – Medullary Carcinoma of Thyroid, Pheochromocytoma, Marfanoid Features/Mucosal Neuromas

139• Myocardial Infarction – is the most common cause of Death in Diabetic Patients.

140• Carbamazepine – blocks Voltage Gated Na Channels in Cortical Neurons, and is used in Trigeminal Neuralgia. Causes Bone Marrow Suppression and increase in ADH will cause SIADH.

141• Ethosuximide – blocks T-type Calcium Channels and decreases Calcium current in Thalamic Neurons, used for Absence Seizures.

142• Type 2 Diabetes – Amyloid Deposition in the Pancreatic Beta Cells.

143• Type 1 Diabetes – beta cells are destroyed by T Lymphocytes, look for Infection

144• Von Hippel Lindau - autosomal dominant disorder characterized by cerebellar hemangioblastomas, clear cell carcinomas and pheochromocytomas. All patients have a deletion of VHL gene on Chromosome 3b.

145• Acyclovir – can cause crystalline nephropathy if hydration is not provided.

146• In CO poisoning – PO2 is normal, % Saturation of Oxygen is decreased, because CO competes with O for Heme Sites, Oxygen Content is decreased.

147• In Anemia - PO2 is normal, % Saturation of Oxygen is Normal, Oxygen Content is decreased

148• In Polycythemia – PO2 is normal, % Saturation of Oxygen is Normal, Oxygen content in the blood is Increased.

149• Foscarnet – is a pyrophosphate analog and can chelate Calcium, it will also cause Magnesium excretion and thus the side effects are Hypocalcemia and Hypomagnesemia and thus there will be Seizures in patients taking Foscarnet.

150• In Restrictive Lung Diseases – high expiratory flow rates occur despite Low Lung Volumes, and that is due to Increased Elastic Recoil Pressure and Increased Radial Traction on the airways.

151• Henoch Schonlein Purpura – leukocytoclastic vasculitis due to deposition of IgA immune complexes and presents with low extremity purpura, abdominal pain, arthralgia and renal involvement.

152• Lymphogranuloma Venerium – is caused by Chlamydia Trachomatis, and will present with painful vesicular lesions.

153• Acute Salicylate Overdose – at first there is a Respiratory Alkalosis, because salicylates stimulate medullar respiratory center and cause hyperventilation. Metabolic Acidosis occurs due to accumulation of acids, and thus it’s a mixture of Respiratory Alkalosis (low PCO2) and Metabolic Acidosis (low plasma HCO3)

154• Prevention of Reinfection with Influenza – anti-hemagglutinin IgG antibodies in the blood and anti-IgA antibodies in the mucus and nasopharynx.

155• Estrogen – will increase TBG levels, by reducing its destruction and thus will increase T4 levels. So expect patients on Hormone Therapy to have increased T4 levels.

156• Acanthosis Nigricans – Benign Form is associated with Insulin Dependent Diabetes and Malignant Form is usually due to underlying GI Adenocarcinoma.

157• Nucleoside Analogs – Acyclovir, Gancyclovir, Valacyclovir are nucleotide analogs that need to be converted into a Monophosphate Form by Herpes Viral Kinases – Thymidine Kinases.

158• Cidofovir – is already a Nucleoside Monophosphate and thus doesn’t need to be converted to monophosphate and only needs to be converted into an active Triphosphate Form.

159• Neuraminidase Inhibitors – prevent Virion Release from infected cells with Hemophilis Influenza.

160• Amantadine – inhibits uncoating and disassembly of Influenza A Toxin after it has entered the cell.

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