Group 17

641• Sarcoidosis – will usually present in African Americans with Dry Cough, Pulmonary Infiltrates and Hilar Adenopathy. On Biopsy it will be a Non Caseating Granuloma

642• Major SE of Metformin – is Lactic Acidosis, which will damage the Kidneys and GI Upset.

643• Anemia in SLE – is due to Autoimmune Hemolysis and will be due to formation of IgG Warm Antibodies to RBCs. Which is characterized by Spherocytosis, + Coombs Test, and there will be Thrombocytopenia, due to Antibodies against Platelets

644• Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates and Alcohol – will Bind to GABA Receptor and Stimulate Influx of Chloride Ions into Neurons

645• Mycoplasma Pneumonia – can cause Hemolysis, due to similarity between Antigens of Cell Membrane of M. Pneumonia and Cell Membrane of Erythrocytes

646• Hydrocephalus Ex Vacuo – there is a Ventricular Enlargement in the Brain, which is Due to Atrophy of Cerebrum (Picks, Alzheimers). CSF Pressure is Not Increased

647• Common Peroneal (Fibular) Nerve – is usually damaged when patients wear a Cast and compress the head of the Fibula

648• Takayasus and Giant Cell Arteritis – are very similar in Mechanism. Takayasus involves Aorta and its Branches and it usually occurs in Patients Younger than 40. If Patients are older than 40, we presume it’s Giant Cell Temporal Arteritis

649• Skeletal Muscles are Resistant to Calcium Channel Blockers – because they largely Depend on Intracellular Calcium for Excitation and Contraction Coupling. Where Smooth Muscle depends on Extracellular Calcium

650• PDGF – is largely secreted by Smooth Muscle Cells and it will promote migration to the Affected Site of Inflammation, with Production of Intimal Thickening and Collagen Deposition

651• Palmar Erythema – will be due to Cirrhotic Hyperestrinism and it will also include Gynecomastia, Testicular Atrophy, Spider Nevi and Decreased Body Hair

652• TZDs (Thiazolidinediones) – New Group of Anti Diabetic Drugs, Decrease Insulin Resistance by Binding to Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma, which is a Transcriptional Regulator of the Genes involved in Glucose Metabolism

653• Benzodiazepines – are First Line in Alcoholic Seizures, because they will Substitute Alcohol Effect on GABA Receptors

654• Adenomyosis – presence of Endometrial Glands in the Uterine Myometrium, and it will cause an Enlargement of the Uterus with Bleeding, and Painful Menses

655• Endometriosis – presence of Endometrial Tissue Outside of the Uterus, it will present with Painful Menses, Dyspareunia, but no Uterine Enlargement

656• Cause of Death in Acute Rhematic Fever – in Rare Cases is Acute Myocarditis, where Mitral Stenosis takes years to form

657• Adenosine – is DOC in treatment of Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia, where there are palpitations. Side Effects include Flushing, Burning in the Chest and Shortness of Breath

658• Medullary Sponge Kidney – is characterized by Cystic Dilatations of Medullary Collecting Ducts. Cortex is spared. Patients will present with Kidney Stones and Hematuria.

659• Lidocaine – is very Specific to Depolarized Tissue such as Ischemic Tissue. That is why it’s a Treatment of Choice in Post Myocardial Infarction Arrhythmias

660• Dysplasia – is different from Cancer, because it’s Reversible, where Cancer is not.

661• Atheroembolic Disease of Renal Arteries – will present with Renal Failure and Big Toe Discoloration in Elderly Patients

662• CEA Levels – in patients with Colon Cancer are usually used to Monitor Tumor Recurrence

663• Cryptococcus Neoformans – is the only Fungus that has a Polysaccharide Capsule, that appears Red on Mucicarmin Stain and Clear Unstained Zone on India Ink

664• 3rd Aortic Arch – gives rise to Common and Proximal Internal Carotid Arteries.

665• 4th Aortic Arch – gives rise to True Aortic Arch and portion of Subclavian Arteries

666• 6th Aortic Arch – gives rise to Pulmonary Arteries and Ductus Arteriosus

667• MCA – supplies Broca’s and Wernicke’s Areas, Frontal Eye Fields, Face and Arm Areas of Motor and Sensory Cortex

668• Shiga and Shiga Like Toxin of E.Coli – inactivated 60S Subunit of the Ribosome and thus inhibit Protein Synthesis and Eventual Death

669• Formation of Billiary Sludge – will be formed due to Incomplete Emptying of Gallbladder in Response to CCK, thus Bile will Precipitate

670• Chloramphenicol – will cause Aplastic Anemia, it will bind to 50S Subunit and Inhibit Peptidyl Transferase Enzyme

671• Kallman’s Syndrome – will present with Delayed Puberty Plus Anosmia, where there is a Failure of GnRH Neurons to Migrate to Olfactory Placode and Hypothalamus. Boys will be feminine with Poorly Developed Secondary Sexual Characteristics

672• Intimal Tear – is the Initiating Process of Dissecting Aortic Aneyurism

673• Weakened Vesicoureteral Junction – will be due to Frequent Bladder Infections and will Facilitate Reflux

674• Suppression of 7 α Hydroxylase Activity – due to the drugs such as Clofibrate, will reduce Solubilization of Cholesterol into Bile and there will be Excess Cholesterol

675• Defficiency of Lipoprotein Lipase – will cause impaired Tryglyceride Clearance from Blood Stream. Lipoprotein Lipase is secreted from Uniloculated Adipocytes, which are Adipose Tissue, also by Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle

676• Effect of Hypothalamus on Prolactin – is Inhibitory via Dopamine Production

677• Senile Cardiac Amylidosis – is due to Depositon of Abnormally Folded (β Pleated Sheet) ANP Derived Proteins and is confined to Cardiac Atria

678• Women in Hemochromatosis – tend to not present until Menopause, since Menstruations will be like Phlebotomy. So After Menopause, the symptoms will kick in.

679• Neonates born to Hep B mothers – are at High Risk of Chronic Disease, Fast HBV replication and Moderate Hepatic Injury

680• Mesothelioma – associated with Asbestos Exposure, it will present with Long Microvilli and Abundant Tonofilaments, which will differ it from Bronchoalveolar type of Adenocarcinoma, which will present with Short Microvilli

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