Group 3

81• Hemorrhagic Cystitis in Children – Adenovirus (especially in Males)

82• Uric Acid precipitates - collecting ducts due to Low Urine pH.

83• Insulin - drug of choice for Gestational Diabetes.

84• AML - formation of PML/RAR α fusion gene, unable to signal for proper differentiaton

85• Auer Rods – stained with myeloperoxidase

86• Donepezil – Tx for Alzheimer’s Disease, is a Cholinesterase Inhibitor and also you would add Vitamin E.

87• NMDA Receptor in CNS overstimulation by Glutamate – thought to increase AD Symptoms. Tx with Memantine (antagonist)

88• Barbiturates – increase duration of Chloride Channel Opening

89• Benzodiazepines – increase frequency of Chloride Channels.

90• Serum Fibrinogen – must be monitored in DIC.

91• Narcolepsy – deficiency or Low Levels of Neurotransmitter Orexin ( Hypocretin)

92• Hawthorne Effect - tendency of a study population to affect an outcome due to what is studied.

93• Mullerian Inhibitory Factor – secreted by Sertoli Cells

94• Primary infection with HSV – more spread out, but Reactivation is more Localized to 1 side.

95• S-100 Positive – Schwannoma and Melanoma. Both are from Neural Crest Cells.

96• T- Lymphocytes – Paracortical Zone

97• B-Lymphocytes - Germinal Centers of Lymph Node

98• Turner Syndrome - heavily methylated DNA due to Low Transcription Activity (Heterochromatin is not transcriptionally active, it’s too condensed)

99• Adenovirus – low grade fever, throat pain, pharyngoconjunctivitis, can be transmitted in Summer Camps.

100• Fragile X - gene methylation, and this is inactive, because it’s condensed.

101• Burr Cells, Helmet Cells - Mechanical Red Cell Destruction. Pt’s with Prosthetic Valves.

102• When Vaccinated - Virus Entry into cells is impaired.

103• Sotalol – β Blocker with Class III (Potassium Channel Blocker) Properties will cause Bradycardia and QT Prolongation.

104• Pre B-ALL àTdT + CD 10 and CD 19

105• Pre T-ALL à CD2, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD7, CD8, CD1a, TdT

106• Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase – decreased in CML, increased or normal in Leukemoid Reaction which is 50,000 WBC.

107• Homocystinuria (similar to Marfan’s) – deficiency of Cystathione Synthase. Tx with Pyridoxine Supplements (B6)

108• Ring Enhanced Lesions – Toxoplasmosis, Seizures

109• Dihydrobiopterin Reductase – Cofactor for Both Phenylalanine Hydroxylase and Tyrosine Hydroxylase.

110• Osteoblasts convert to Osteocytes – osteocytes are connected by Gap Junctions.

111• Lecithinase – alpha toxin, produced by C. Perfringes and has an ability to degrade Lecithin, main component of Phospholipid Membrane

112• Terminal Bronchioles – lined by ciliated simple cuboidal epithelium.

113• Nipple Retraction – in Breast Cancer is usually due to infiltration of Cooper’s Ligament by Cancer.

114• Prepatellar Bursa – commonly seen in roofers, carpenters, people who are kneeling all the time.

115• Acute Myelogenous Leukemia – is associated with t(15,17), where gene for Retinoic Acid is transferred from Ch. 17 to Ch. 15

116• Sarcoidosis – presents with increased number of CD4 + T cells.

117• Calcitonin – released from Parafollicular cells of Thyroid, in response to increasing levels of calcium. It promotes calcium absorption by the bone and reducing calcium absorption by the intestines and thus decreasing the levels of circulating calcium

118• NSAIDS - are the primary cause of papillary necrosis and chronic interstitial nephritis

119• Increased levels of Calcium, Phosphate and Oxalate – promote salt formation and thus stones

120• Increased levels of Citrate and High Fluid Intake – prevent salt formation

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