Group 21

801• Occlusion of Right Coronary Artery – will result in Transmural Ischemia of Left Ventricle, producing ST Elevation in Leads II, III and avF

802• Occlusion of LAD – will result in Anteroseptal Transmural Ischemia with ST Elevation in V1-V4

803• Occlusion of Left Circumflex – will result in Transmural Ischemia of Lateral Wall of Left Ventricle and ST Elevation in V5 and V6

804• Combination of Statins and Fibrates – increases the Risk of Myopathy and Hepatotoxicity

805• Combination of Fibrates and Bile Acid Resins – will result in Increased Risk of Cholesterol Stones, due to Increased Cholesterol in Bile

806• Neuron Specific Enolase, Chromogranin – along with Synapthophysin are Neuroendocrine Markers in Patients with Small Cell Carcinoma, which is located Centrally in Smokers.

807• Meniere’s Disease – characterized by Triad of Tinnitus, Vertigo and Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Due to Increased Pressure and Volume of Endolymph in Vestibular Apparatus

808• α 3 chain of Type IV Collagen – is targeted by anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies in Goodpasture’s Syndrome

809• Drug Induced Nephritis – due to NSAIDS will predominantly affect Interstitium, leaving Glomeruli Intact.

810• Beta Endorphin and ACTH – are derived from the same Origin. Beta Endorphin has Increased Affinity to Delta and Mu Receptors.

811• Pulsion Diverticulitis – is usually seen in Older Patients due to Increased Pressure, and will affect primarily Sigmoid Colon.

812• Li Fraumeni Syndrome – Autosomal Dominant Syndrome, due to Mutation of p53 Gene and will cause Breast, Brain and Adrenal Cortex Sarcomas and Tumors mainly.

813• Niacin – potentiates the effects of Anti Hypertensive Medications and Decrease the Effect of Diabetic Medications.

814• Eplerenone and Spironolactone – are Aldosterone Antagonists are a usual Therapy for Conn’s Syndrome

815• Portal Vein Thrombosis – will present with Normal Liver, because the Defect is Distal to the Liver, will cause Portal Hypertension without affecting the Liver.

816• Pick’s Disease – is pronounced with Frontal Lobe Atrophy, and patients present with Dementia, Mood Disturbance and Speech Difficulties

817• Estrogen and Progesterone in Pregnancy – Estrogen will cause Increased Cholesterol Synthesis by Upregulating HMG CoA Reductase and Progesterone will reduce Bile Acid Secretion and Slow Gallbladder Emptying

818• Muddy Brown Granular Casts – are seen in Ischemic Tubular Necrosis in hospitalized patients.

819• Papillary Necrosis – occurs in patients with Sickle Cell, Diabetes Mellitus, Analgesic Nephropathy and Obstructive Pyelonphritis.

820• Hypersensitivity to Intradermal Injections of Tobacco – are seen in Buerger’s Disease, which is Thromboangitis Obliterans among Heavy Smokers.

821• Opening Snap – is an abrupt Opening of Stenosed Mitral Valve.

822• Villous Adenomas – are more likely to undergo Malignant Transformation, unlike Tubular Adenomas

823• Amifostine – thiol based cytoprotective free radical scavenger used in patient on Cisplatin, to prevent nephrotoxicity.


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