Group 13

481• Transposition of Great Arteries – results from failure of Aorticopulmonary Septum to Spiral during Septation.

482• Ataxia Telengectasia – is an autosomal recessive, where there is a Cerebral Atrophy that will lead to ataxia, these patients are also susceptible to DNA radiation, since they have a deficiency of Exonuclease activity.

483• Terbinafine - is a common drug used for Dermatophytosis, where it inhibits synthesis of Ergosterol by inhibiting Enzyme Squalene Epoxidase.

484• Acute Pancreatitis – is usually caused by Gallstones and Alcoholism, high levels of Triglycerides lead to increased production of Fatty Acids.

485• Astrocytes – are found at the periphery of the infarct, and are responsible for maintaining the same form, they are responsible for Gliosis.

486• Supraspinatus – is an Abductor of the arm, vulnerable to injury due to impingement between acromion and the head of the Humerus.

487• Subscapularis – is responsible for Medial Rotation of the Arm

488• Latissimus Dorsi – is the major Adductor of the Arm.

489• Neurons do not store Glycogen – and are highly sensitive to Ischemia, profound hypotension during Cardiac Arrests will cause Global Cerebral Ischemia.

490• De Quervain Thyroiditis – or Granulomattous Thyroiditis, presents after Viral Infections and will present areas of infilitration by Lymphocytes and Multinuclear Giant Cells.

491• Ceruloplasmin – and unabsorbed copper will be Secreted into Bile and excreted Hepatically in the stool

492• Dystrophic Calcification of Aortic Valves – is preceded by the Cell Necrosis, where there is a destruction by Calcification and that will cause Aortic Stenosis.

493• Procollagen – is synthesized within Endoplasmic Reticulum, then it’s released into Extracellular Space by transport through Golgi, and then converted into Collagen by peptidases that will cleave off N and C terminal portions. Only then they are crosslinked with other Collagen Molecules after residues are oxidized by Lysyl Oxidase.

494• Malassezia Furfur – are characteristics of Pityriasis Versicolor and appear as Spaghetti and Meatballs.

495• Abdominal Aorta – is mostly involved in the process of Atherosclerosis, then followed by Coronary Arteries, Popliteal, internal carotids and Vessels in the Circle of Willis.

496• Extrahepatic Biliary Atresia – is a congenital obstruction of Extrahepatic Bile Ducts seen by the 3rd week of Life.

497• C peptide and Insulin – packaged together into secretory granules and are released into an extracellular space.

498• Fenfluramine and Phenteramine – extensive consumption of Appetite Suppressors is associated with the risk of Pulmonary Hypertension. Which can progress to Cor Pulmonale.

499• Henoch Schonlein Purpura – consists of Leukocytoclastic Angiitis and associated with deposits of IgA and C3, and is common in children between 3-11 after recent infection.

500• Lack of T tubules – would lead to uncoordinated contraction of individual fibers in myofibrils.

501• Ureteric Bud – gives rise to collecting ducts, minor and major calyces, renal pelvis and ureters.

502• Metanephric Mesoderm – gives rise to Glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, proximal, distal convoluted tubes and a connecting tubule

503• Pulmonary Vascular Sclerosis – will occur in patients with Eisenmenger Complex.

504• Low Volume of Distribution of the Drug – such as 4-5 L, may be due to High Molecular Weight, High Plasma Protein, Hydrophillicity and High Charge

505• Staph Epidermidis – must be treated with Vancomycin and Rifampin.

506• Indirect Inguinal Hernias – are located Laterally to Inferior Epigastric Vessels

507• Direct Inguinal Hernia – is located Medially to Inferior Epigastric Vessel.

508• MAO Inhibitors – such as Phenelzine and Tranycypromine, are particularly useful in treatment of Atypical Depressions, such as in patients with Hyperphagia and Weight Gain.

509• Osteoarthritis – will present with Short Morning Stiffness, and will involve DIP and PIP joints.

510• Rheumatoid Arthritis – will present with a Long Morning Stiffness that will improve with Exercise, and will involve MCP and PIP joints.

511• Spironalactone – may be used in a female that complains of increased Hair Growth on her face, since it will block androgen receptors at hair follicles and decrease production of Testosterone.

512• CFTR – is an ATP gated transmembrane ion transporter that pumps Chloride ions out of the cell against a Concentration Gradient.

513• Lead Time Bias – is an artificial increase in the survival time among tested patients, who actually have an unchanged diagnosis

514• Hepatitis B Prodromal Period – thay might last from 30-180 days, will present with the Serum Sickness Symptoms, where patients will experience fever like condition, skin rash, and lymphadenopathy.

515• V. Cholera – doesn’t invade the Intestinal Mucosa, so it will present with watery mucus and some epithelial cells.

516• Chronic Rejection of a Transplant – will present with Obliterative Intimal Smooth Muscle Hypertrophy and Fibrosis.

517• Improperly Fitted Crutches – will impinge the Radial Nerve and cause symptoms such as inability to Flex the Arm and Wrist

518• Thyroid Hormones – alter Gene Transcription by Binding to Receptors Inside the Nucles.

519• Protein M – is a major Virulence Factor of Strep. Pyogenes and Inhibits Phagocytosis and Complement Activation

520• Lancet Shaped Gram Positive Diplococci – is indicative of Strep. Pneumonia, which is Optochin Sensitive.

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