Group 14

521• Polyribosyl Ribitol Phosphate (PRP) – is a part of H. Influenza Capsule and is part of HIb Vaccine and its conjugated with Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoid.

522• Posterior Urethral Trauma – is associated with Pelvic Fractures, and it will present with Inability to Void, despite Full Bladder and Elevated Prostate on Rectal Exam.

523• Retinal Damage in Infants – will usually be due to Reperfusion Oxygen Damage, in infants born with Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

524• Use of Terbutaline – will present in Infants with Intracranial Hemorrhage, Hypoglycemia, Hypocalcemia and Ileus.

525• Reye’s Syndrome – due to ASA in patients treated for Influenza or Varicella Infection and will present with Microvesicular Steatosis of Hepatocytes.

526• Porcelain Gallbladder – Calcium Ladden Gallbladder and will increase the risk of Gallbladder Carcinoma

527• Hereditary Pancreatitis – may be due to mutation which would activated Trypsinogen to convert into Trypsin and it would auto digest Pancreas, before it would be released into duodenum as normally.

528• Lithium – causes Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus, Hypothyroidism and associated with Ebstein’s Anomaly.

529• Osler Weber Rendu Syndrome – Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telengectasia, may affect the Lips, Oropharynx, Respiratory Tract, Skin, GI tract.

530• Von Hippel Lindau – Capillary Hemangioblastomas in Retina and Cerebellum, presents with Congenital Cysts in Liver, Kidney, Pancreas and Increased Risk of Renal Carcinoma

531• Tuberous Sclerosis – may cause cysts in the liver, kidney, but in CNS it will be Subependymal Hamartomas, Renal Angiomyolipomas and Cardiac Rhabdomyoma, clinically will present with Seizures!!!

532• Sturge Weber – will present with Cutaneous Facial Angiomas, as well as Leptomeningeal Angiomas, patients will have Mental Retardation, Seizures and Skull will have Tram Track Calcifications.

533• Aging – will present with Decreased Ventricular Size at the Apex and will cause Sigmoid Septum.

534• Fc Portion Closer to the Hinge Region – is where Complement Binds.

535• Heme – serves as a Negative Feedback on ALA Synthase. Diagnosis of Accute Intermittent Porphyria is made by increase in Aminolevulinic Acid and Porphobilinogen

536• Duodenal Ulcers Location – is near Pylorus because of the most Acid Present.

537• Infants with Bilateral Renal Agenesis – will present with Respiratory Problems, since Amniotic Fluid that needs to be swallowed and urinated out, is essential in the process of Lung Maturation

538• LH – stimulates Leydig Cells to Produce Testosterone, FSH will stimulate Sertoli Cells to Produce Inhibin B, which will Negatively Feedback on LH and FSH

539• Until 4 hours – into Ischemia will not present with any changes on Light Microscopy

540• Bosental – is an Oral Endothelin Receptor Antagonist and is used in Patient with Pulmonary Hypertension

541• Reperfusion Arrhythmia – may be due to Fibrinolytics that will cause Reperfusion on Arterial Re-Opening.

542• Acute Fibrinous or Serous Pericarditis – acute onset Pleuritic Chest that decreases on Sitting Up and Leaning Forward.

543• Cardiac Defects in DiGeorge Syndrome – are associated with Tetrallogy of Fallot and Interrupted Aortic Arch

544• Addition of Spironolactone – will significantly Reduce Mortality in Heart Failure Patients, since it will block Aldosterone.

545• Chocolate Agar for Neisseria Gonorrhea – consists of Vancomycin, Polymixin and Trimethoprim.

546• Cryptococcus – that is Round Budding Yeast with Clear halos will cause Meningitis in HIV + Patients.

547• Down Syndrome – patients will have Ostium Primum Endocardial Cushion Atrial Septal Defect.

548• Nifedipine – is a selective Vascular Calcium Channel Blocker and is different from Calcium Channel Blockers used in Arrhythmias

549• Slow Onset of Anesthetic – is associated with High Solubility of the Drug

550• Thrombocytopenia in Hospital Patients – is mostly due to Heparin Infusions, and is more present with Unfractionated Heparin rather than Low Molecular Weight.

551• On Off Phenomenon – seen in Parkinson Patients where they will have days with Increased Mobility and other times with Decreased, that is due to the effect of L-Dopa Therapy.

552• Cauda Equina Syndrome – will present with Saddle Anesthesia and Loss of Anocutaneous Reflex, and that will involved a Lesion from S2 – S4 Areas.

553• Differential Cyanosis – in Upper and Lower Extremities is due to PDA.

554• Alzheimer’s Disease – mostly affects Hippocampus and Frontal Lobe

555• Alpha 1,4 Glucosidase – deficient in Pompe’s Glycogen Storage Disease is also Called Acid Maltase

556• C-Myc – is a nuclear Phosphoprotein and functions as Transcription Activator that controls Cell Proliferation, Differentiation and Apoptosis

557• Bcr –Abl – encodes a Protein that Inhibits Apoptosis while Promoting Mitogenesis and Increased Tyrosine Kinase Activity.

558• Postreptococcal Glomerulonephritis – will present with Elevated Anti Streptolysin (ASO) titers, Decreased C 3 and Total Complement Levels and presence of Cryoglobulins. C4 Levels are usually Normal.

559• Attributable Risk Percent ARP – is calculated by RR-1/RR

560• Celial Disease – must be diagnosed with Colon Biopsy where there is Flattening of Mucosa, Loss of Villi and Chronic Inflammatory Infiltration of Lamina Propria.

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