Group 12

441• Red Ragged Muscle - is seen on the biopsy in Mitochondrial Myopathy. This is a mitochondrial disease and thus only transmitted through mother.

442• Caudal Regression Syndrome – where Sacral Agenesis causes lower extremity paralysis is usually seen in mothers with poorly controlled diabetes.

443• Niacin – is the most effective in raising HDL levels. Omega fatty acids will raise HDL but at very low levels.

444• Patients with CF- their symptoms might be corrected with administration of Pancreatic Enzymes, since they have its deficiencies.

445• Infiltrative Ophthalmopathy – is usually seen in Hyperthyroid Patients where their ocular muscles are infiltrated by glycosaminoglycans and hence there is Exophthalmos.

446• Best indicator of MS stenosis level – is a length of interval between S2 and and OS (opening snap)

447• Lipooligosaccharide (LOS) – of N. Meningitidis is analogous to Lipopolysaccharide of Gram Negative Rods and this will determine the severity of the disease. Usually seen in military recruits.

448• Patients older than 65 – are prone to developing pneumonia after Infection with Influenza, and the causative agents are Strep. Pneumonia, Staph. Aureus and H. Influenza

449• Patients with ANtiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome with Lupus – present with positive VDRL test, have Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies circulating. These antibodies are associated with increased risk of Thromboses, Miscarriages

450• ACE – is expressed in the Lung Vascular Endothelium and converts Angiotensin I to functional Angiotensin II

451• Preload will increase End Diastolic Sarcomere Length – in the ventricular myocardium, and will increase Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output.

452• Insulin – activated Protein Phosphatase in the cells, and it works through Tyrosine Kinase receptor in the cells to stimulate synthesis of fatty acids, protein, glycogen.

453• Patients with Bilateral Cataracts and no Hepatic Involvement – have a deficiency of Galactokinase and thus Galactose is shifted and converted into Galactitol by Aldose Reductase and thus it accumulates in the lens of the eye without Hepatic Involvement.

454• Patients with Classic Galactosemia – have a deficiency of Galactose 1-phosphate Uridyl Transferase deficiency and thus G1P accumulates and will cause lethargy, vomiting and will present with Cataracts.

455• Mycoplasma – lacks a cell wall, so antibiotics such as PCN, Cephalosporins and Vancomycin will not be effective in these bacteria. So it must be treated with Tetracylcines and Erythromycin that act on Ribosomal Subunits.

456• Reid Index – is a ratio of Mucus Gland Layer to the total thickness of cell wall and cartilage, and this is an index of progression of Bronchitis.

457• Agranulocytosis – might be caused by Anti-Thyroid Drugs, so WBC counts must be checked prior to administration.

458• Pituitary Apoplexy – is a complication of Hemorrhage into Existing Pituitary Adenoma. It will present with Severe Headache and Cranial Nerve Involvement.

459• Crohn’s Disease will present with Oxalate Stones – because impaired bile acid absorption, caused by fat malabsorption, will cause the loss of Calcium in the bile, and since Calcium binds Oxalate, then there will be a formation of Oxalate Stones.

460• Capsule of Strep. Pneumonia – is the major Virulence Factor, and it will swell up when Anti-Capsule agents are added.

461• Endocarditis caused by Staph. Aureus – usually occurs in IV drug abusers, or individuals with unaffected valves, and primarily affects the Tricuspid Valve. While Strep. Viridans usually involved Mitral Valve and is due to dental work etc.

462• Absolute Relative Risk – is calculated Event Rate (control) – Event Rate (treatment)

463• Ethanol and Pancreatitis – ethanol induces secretion of Pancreatic Juice with a high content of Protein and Low Fluid. Thus the secretions are viscous and will form plugs and obstruct bile flow.

464• Nasal Mucosal Ulcerations and Glomerulonephritis – is seen in Wegener’s Granulomatosis and will have Anti-Neutrophil Antibodies (c-ANCA)

465• Proton Pump Inhibitors – are the drug of choice for Gastrinomas, which secrete Gastrin.

466• Acetyl CoA – is an allosteric activator of Gluconeogenesis and acts by increasing activity of Pyruvate Carboxylase.

467• Cortisol – increases the transcription of enzymes involved in Gluconeogenesis

468• TCA overdose – may have a Quinidine like Side Effects where they might cause QRS and QT interval prolongation and to reverse that, Sodium Bicarbonate must be used.

469• Digitalis Toxicity – might be treated with supplementation with Potassium, since it blocks Na/K channel

470• To calculate the Risk – divide the number of diseased individuals by the total number of patients in the group.

471• Subperiosteal Thinning – is a feature of Hyperparathyroidism, where there is an increased resorption of the bone.

472• Alkaline Phosphatase – is a group of enzymes involved in many different organs, such as liver, bone, intestine, kidney. To clarify whether it’s the liver infection, you must measure GGTP levels – which are Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase.

473• Axonal Reaction – is a repair of axons, where there is a nucleus pushed to the side and the cell is compressed and finely granular Nissl substance is seen.

474• Cortisol – sensitizes vasoconstricitve effects of Catecholamines and thus exerts Permissive Effects on the Vasculature.

475• Endogenouse Administration of Thyroid Hormone – such as Levothyroxine, will increase the Free Levels of T3 and thus in its turn suppress TRH and then TSH levels.

476• Pentazocine – is an opiod narcotic with partial agonist activity and weak antagonist activity on Mu Receptors. Administration of this drug in patients dependent on opioids, might trigger an Opiod Withdrawal Symptoms.

477• GTP – is synthesized in the Succinyl CoA reaction in TCA cycle, and used as an energy source for decarboxylation of Oxaloacetate to Phosphoenolpyruvate by PEP Carboxykinase in Gluconeogenesis.

478• Lysine and Leucine – are strictly Ketogenic Amino Acids and would not increase blood Lactate Levels in patients with Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency.

479• Patients with Friedrich’s Ataxia – present with degeneration of Dorsal Columns, as well as 50% of them will develop Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.

480• HBsAg - is a component of the envelope of Hep. B virus and will form spheres and tubules.

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