Group 9

321• Cardiac Output – Oxygen Consumption / Arteriovenous O2 difference.

322• Hepatitis A Virus – can be inactivated by boiling for 1 minute at 85 degrees, treating with Formaldehyde and Bleach.

323• QT Prolongation – is usually caused by Potassium Channel Blockers, Amiodarone is a Potassium Channel Blocker that doesn’t predispose to Torsades de Pointes.

324• Areas of Metaplasia – may be present in the duodenal ulcers created by H. Pylori Infection.

325• Complications of CF – in US, usually are CardioRespiratory Symptoms, such as Pneumonia, Bronchiectasis, Cor Pulmonale and Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

326• Standard Deviation – 68% is in the range of 1 SD, 95% are in the range of 2 SD and 99.7 % contain 3 SD’s

327• Increased Osteoid Matrix – is a complication of Rickets

328• Macrophages loaded with PAS Positive granules – are usually seen in Whipple Disease, if there are signs of Malabsorption in middle aged individuals.

329• Lipofuscin – is an accumulation of Lipid Peroxidation accumulating in aging cells.

330• Elevated Serum Alpha Fetoprotein – is usually present in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Hepatoma)

331• Complication of CREST – earliest damage is seen in small vessels, where it causes intimal thickening

332• Damage to Posterior Hypophysis – will causes Diabetes Insipidus only for a short period of time.

333• Damage to Hypothalamic Nuclei – will cause a long term Diabetes Insipidus, not the transient that is seen with damage to Posterior Hypophysis

334• Tolcapone – is a COMT Inhibitor, which serves to prolong the availability of Levodopa in Parkinson Patients. Check for Liver Enzymes when administering

335• Elastin’s ability to recoil when stretched – is due to Lysyl Hydroxylase crosslinking

336• Mitral Valve Prolapse – is the most common predisposition to Valve Bacterial Endocarditis.

337• Cerebellar Tumor in a Child – is most likely a Medulloblastoma or Pilocytic Astrocytoma, medulloblastomas are always solid and Astrocytoma are solid and cystic.

338• Renal Cell Carcinomas – are usually associated with Von Hippel Lindau and deletion of VHL gene on Chromosome 3p.

339• Patients with splenic rupture – are usually susceptible to bacterial infections, such as S. Pneumonia, H.Influenzae and N. Meningitidis.

340• Ergonovine – is an ergot alkaloid that constricts vascular smooth muscle by stimulating alpha adrenergic and serotonergic receptors and thus it can cause a Coronary Vasospasm.

341• N-Acetylcysteine – works by cleaving Disulfide Bonds within Mucus Glycoproteins and thus Loosening the Mucus.

342• Vitamin E Defficiency – the most notable changes are seen in Nervous System, where there is a degeneration of Spinocerebellar Tracts, dorsal columns and peripheral nerves, which is similar to Friedrich’s Ataxia.

343• Pulmonary Effect of Vagus Stimulation – is bronchoconstriction, which will increase the work of breathing, mucus production and airway resistance.

344• V. Cholera – does not survive well in Acidic pH. So any condition that causes achlorhydia will cause V. Cholera to proliferate.

345• During Recovery from ATN – patients tend to develop Hypokalemia, due to high volume, hypotonic urine.

346• Mutation in CFTR gene – in CF patients will cause an abnormal folding of a protein and will result in degradation of a protein before it reaches the cell surface.

347• Cavernous Hemangioma – is the most common benign tumor of the liver, which on microscopy presents with blood filled vascular spaces

348• Avitaminosis of Vitamin A – may cause a squamous epithelial metaplasia of Pancreatic exocrine ducts, seen in patients with CF

349• Coccidioides Immites – presents with spherules on microscopy and it looks like berries.

350• Aspiration Pneumonia – is usually seen in alcoholics, seizures, old age, poor oral hygiene, the agents usually aspirated are Fusobacterium, Bacteroides

351• Thiopental – is an anesthetic and will cause a paralysis, further on it will dissolve into the Skeletal Muscle Tissue.

352• Tetrallogy of Fallot, Transpostion of Great Vessels and Truncus Arteriosus – can be caused by an abnormal migration of Neural Crest Cells.

353• Inhalation Anesthetics – can cause a massive Hepatic Necrosis, due to Halothane Exposure, where Halothane Metabolites produce autoantibodies against Hepatocytes.

354• Thioridazine – anti psychotic causes Retinal Deposits (Retinitis Pigmentosa). Chlorpromazine usually causes Corneal Deposits.

355• N-AcetylCysteine – provides Sulfhydryl groups and thus binds the toxic metabolites of Acetaminophen, and also it is useful in loosening the mucus plugs in CF patients, where it breaks sulfide bonds by providing Sulfhydryl groups.

356• Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – causes loss of neurons in Anterior Horn (LMN Lesion) where it causes muscle weakness and atrophy. Demyelination of Lateral Corticospinal Tract (UMN Lesion) will cause spasticity and hyperreflexia.

357• Nitrates and High Blood Pressure – nitrates cause vasodilation and Reflex Tachycardia kicks in when the body senses the drop in BP, so to avoid Tachycardia, you must administer Beta Blockers.

358• Loss of Contractility of a Muscle – usually occurs within 60 seconds of Ischemia and Lactate will accumulate.

359• ACE Inhibitors – may produce Angioedema

360• Symptoms of Raynaud Phenomenon – are usually treated with Calcium Channel Blockers.

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