Group 2

41• Orthostatic Hypotension – side effects of α adrenergic blockers.

42• AML - has associations with t(15,17), t(8,21) and Auer Rods are stained with Myeloperoxidase.

43• CLL – deletion on Chromosome 13

44• Mantle Cell B Lymphoma – t(11,14)

45• Dobutamine – causes increase in cardiac contractility and increase in Heart Rate

46• Tumors of Schwann Cells – are derived from neural Crest Cells.

47• Patients with CGD – susceptible to 1) Staph Aureus 2) Pseudomonas 3) Serratia 4) Nocardia 5) Aspergillus

48• Rosenthal Fibers – with granular eosinophilic bodies are seen in Pilocytic Astrocytoma. They are well differentiated composed of spindle cells with hair like glial projections

49• Atropine – reverses muscarinic effects but does not prevent the development of nicotinic effects such as muscle paralysis

50• Pralidoxime – reverses both muscarinic and nicotinic effects of organophosphates by “restoring” cholinesterase.

51• Calcium – binds to Troponin C and then uncovers tropomyosin sites, thus allowing actin to bind to myosin.

52• S 3 Heart Sound – can be heard if the patient lies down in Left Lateral Decubitus Position or Exhales Completely

53• RBF = Renal Plasma Flow/ (1-Hematocrit)

54• In Metabolic Alkalosis – measure patient’s Urinary Chloride

55• Germinoma - tumors of Pineal Gland, formed in children and adolescents.

56• Will present with 1) Precocious Puberty due to β-HCG Production (similar in testicular seminoma) 2) Obstructive Hydrocephalus 3) Parinaud Syndrome – paralysis of upward gaze.

57• Ultraviolet Specific Endonuclease – initiates repair by nicking the strand at Thymine Dimer. This enzyme is missing in Xeroderma Pigmentosum

58• SER – functions in synthesis of Lipids, Carbohydrate Metabolism and Detoxification of Harmful Substances

59• Uretero Pelvic Junction – most common site of obstruction

60• Increased Intraocular Pressure – most common side effect of treatment of Bradycardia with Atropine.

61• Mutation in Glycoprotein – will cause changes in the host and they mediate attachment to target host cell.

62• cAMP pathway - α2, β1 and β2

63• Inositol Pathway – α1 adrenergic, muscarinic, cholinergic

64• Ion Channel – Nicotinic, Cholinergic.

65• Ampicillin – must be added to treat infants with Meningitis. Ceftriaxone covers all organisms, but Listeria Monocytogenis is killed by Ampicillin.

66• B 19 Fifth’s Disease – causes aplastic crises (bone marrow)

67• Eaton Lambers Syndrome - associated with Lung Cancer, similar to Myasthenia Gravis. Antibodies are against pre-synaptic Calcium Channels.

68• Myotonic Dystrophy – triplicate repeat, movement frontal baldness, cataracts are seen. Cannot Loosen Hand Grip.

69• Cholinomimetics – indicated in Urinary Retention Paralytic Ileus and Glaucoma

70• HUS – after E. Coli – Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia

71• Segmental Viruses (Rotavirus and Orthomyxovirus) - capable of Genetic Shift.

72• Paget’s Disease - increase in Osteoclasts, then increase in Osteoblasts, which will increase Alkaline Phosphatase.

73• Arginase - enzyme in Urea Cycle produces Urea and Ornithine from Arginine.

74• Minute Ventilation - product of Tidal Volume and RR and includes Dead Space.

75• Neurophysis – carriers for Oxytocin and ADH in Posterior Pituitary.

76• Epinephrine – increases Systolic BP (α1 Effect) -Increase Heart Rate (β1 Effect) -Decreases Diastolic (β2 Effect)

77• Pretreatment with Propranolol à eliminates β Effects and Leaves α Effects Only.

78• Protein C Defficiency in Warfarin Therapy – will exaggerate the response and cause Hypercoagulable State with Skin Necrosis

79• Neonates with Hypothyroidism - weak, pale, dry. Macroglossia and Umbilical Hernia

80• Acyclovir - incorporates into newly replicated Viral DNA

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